The Coop Pavees
Founded in 1997, the Pavees Cooperative Society was born as a pool of professionals specialized in the protection of the historical, cultural and natural treasures of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Since the early years of its activity, focused on the promotion of the artistic and rural tradition of the foothills of Carnia, the company has been able to identify, in the enhancement of the local excellence, a reading key for the protection of the world’s humanistic and scientific patrimony, working to show the world that bond between the particular and universal topics, so beloved and so necessary to the eco-sustainability of the third millennium.
For 11 years, the cooperative has been pleading this mission in the management of the Butterfly House in Bordano, a place where, through wildlife conservation and ethnological solidarity projects, Pavees has put the small “Butterfly Country” (as Bordano is named) in contact with the tribes of the Amazon. with the forests of Mozambique and with many other places at the same time so far and so close. In the same years, a similar challenge was engaged in the largest European cities, such as Milan or Naples, where they were settled expos, activities and initiatives linked to the protection of biodiversity and anthropological diversity, whose fate has never depended so much like now to the choices of large western capitals.
In 2014, the Pavees Cooperative started a new step of its journey, in which it soared as always alive and free to fly: with the beginning of the management of the Regional Nature Reserve of Cornino Lake, a new project has started, based on the idea of connecting the regional protected areas in a single large network, capable of promoting and supporting each other.
And so, to the participation in the activities of the awesome “Griffon Vulture Project”, in 2016 it was added the activity of ecological protection and ecotouristic enhancement led among the naturalistic basin of the Pakar Lakes of Forgaria Nel Friuli, reached in 2018 by the bellow of the deer, standard-bearers of the species kept in the Forni di Sopra Wildlife Area, in the heart of the Friulian Dolomites Natural Park.
The first steps of the Cooperative in the Carso are in 2021, with the beginning of the management activity of two top territorial excellence, the Doberdò and Pietrarossa Lakes Regional Nature Reserve and the Val Rosandra Nature Reserve, experiences in which Pavees is obtaining great results in the introduction of its way of working also in the agritourism and cross-border field.
To implement all this in the 25 years of activity of the company, they have been faunistic consultancies, zootechnical planning, video and encyclopedic productions, pedagogical and gastronomic activities and wildlife-hunting examinations, a wealth of experience thanks to which Pavees is preparing today for new and amazing tales, never letting go its original spirit alive and free to fly …